2009 National Summit on Transport and the Environment to be Held in Brasilia
The Center for Sustainable Transport in Brazil (CTS-Brasil), a member of the World Resources Institute’s EMBARQ Network, the National Confederation of Transport, and the British Embassy will host the 2009 Brazil National Summit on Transport and the Environment. About 60 representatives from government, the private sector and the public will attend the one-day event focusing on policies aimed at reducing carbon emissions from the urban transport sector in Brazil.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Headquarters of the National Confederation of Transport (CNT)
SAS, Quadra 1, Bloco J
Brasilia - DF BRAZIL
Luis Antonio Lindau, director, CTS-Brasil
Rejane D. Fernandes, communications coordinator, CTS-Brasil
Marilei Menezes, special projects coordinator, National Confederation of Transport
Patricia Boson, environment consultant, National Confederation of Transport
Luiz Andrade, climate change program manager, British Embassy
Raissa Ferreira, support officer of climate change program, British Embassy
The goals and policy recommendations developed at the summit will be submitted to the federal government when Brazil’s National Plan on Climate Change comes up for revision in 2010.